Slovenia - Postojna Cave
The tunnels of the cave were discovered accidentally in 1818 by a local guide Luka Čeč while prepraring the cave for a visit of Emperor Franz I. The information about the cave goes back to Middle age as the „Trench of Old Signature“ says, with the oldest signature dated from 1213. Tunnels of the cave were created by river Pivka, which can be seen at the entrance, where it sinks into the cave, then into the Otoška and Crna caves, as well as into the Pivka cave.

The tour of Postojna cave with a guide lasts about 90 minutes and you get to visit 5 cannals. First tours usually start at 9 AM and it's the best time to visit since it's not that crowded.
Since the temperature in the cave is from 8 to 10 ° C and almost 100% humidity throughout the whole year, it's advisable to bring warm cloths and appropriate footwear.
If you arrived unprepared for the adventure you can rent raincoat and boots at the spot and enjoy a yellow train ride through the Postojna Cave.

First cave railway was built in 1872 and in 1967 was upgraded to double track so that the cave can be visited by as many as 14,000 tourists a day. In 1884 all the lighting, torches, kerosine lamps and candles were replaced by electric lighting.
The symbol of the cave is the stalagmite called “Diamond” which is specific for its size and whiteness.

Predjama Castle
Just few kilometars from Postojna cave stands beautiful medieval castle. Around 700 years old but very well preserved, it was a home to knight Erazem Predjama.

The castle was built in 123 m high cave cavity above the karst abyss of the Lokva stream. Today, castle works as a musiem and one of the tours offers walking though a secret passages used by thieves in 17th cenutry to exit on the othes side of the castle.
In honor to Erazem Predjama , every July medieval trounament is organized in which lords, serfs and knights participate like in old times.

The most interesting parts of the castle are the dungeon, the chapel and the sleeping quarters eqquiped with authentic furniture, old weapons, paintings and statues.
"Proteus anguinus"
Near the entrance of Postojna Cave there is a Vivarum, divided into two parts. First part is used for a research work and the other in exhibition of peculiarities of the underground karst world and it's most characteristic animal species that live below the surfice. One of these species is 20 centimeter long, pink and harmless human fish or professionally called proteus anguinus which is endemic to the karst underground. Only speleologists have the honor of seeing it in the natural environment, while an artificial pool has been made for tourist purposes, in which several fish stay for two months, and then return to the natural environment. In their place come new ones and so continuously, for decades.
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