Traveling will become a necessary component of self-care, and vitamin vacay is the essential thing for personal wellbeing.
Laura Houldsworth, managing director Asia Pacific, said that 82% said travel helps their mental and emotional wellbeing more than anything else, and that 85% said that having a vacation planned has a positive impact on their emotional wellbeing.

The most important thing in the world: YOU
Taking a holiday, instead of physical activity or focused meditation, will become the most essential method of self-care in 2022.
After nearly two years of limited travel, two-thirds of participants (66%) said they didn't realize how important travel was to their wellbeing until it wasn't an option, and 84% indicated that having a vacation planned has a significant impact on their mental wellness – survey on Booking.com.

Wanderlust – a strong desire to travel & explore the world
Whether it is a hiking in the mountains, sunbathing on the coast or romantic getaway, self-care is a vital aspect of maintaining your physical and mental health. Travel will be a tremendously popular type of self-care in 2022, with 79% of travelers claiming it improves their mental and emotional wellbeing more than other forms.
Your journey could be highlighted by trying new cuisines, stepping outside of your comfort zone, meeting new people & culture, od adventures full of adrenaline, spa retreat or health program – either way, time invested in your vacation will be in direct proportion with increase of your enthusiasm & mental health.

Detox from the everyday life
Adopting a positive mindset will allow travelers to see more of the world than ever before, with many taking a more adventurous approach to their vacation plans, and perhaps even their travel companions.
Vitamin vacay became a basic need which will help us grow and maintain a healthy body & mind.